I’m excited to share my conversation with Morgan Day Cecil with you! We honestly felt like we could have talked for hours so I hope to have her back to the podcast. When you are talking about sex and romance and yoga and healthy sensuality and femininity and owning your power as a woman, there is way too much to fit into one conversation. I’d love to hear your feedback and what else you want me to ask her.
Morgan has a lot of really amazing things going on! Here is her bio and all the ways you can reach her! (Also, see that Great Big Yes banner up on top of the blog? She created it! )
Morgan is a guide and woman’s advocate for sexual wellbeing and feminine wholeness. She and her husband are the founders of Romance & Adventure, where they offer online courses, workshops, retreats, education and inspiration on creating a life (and marriage) of true romance and meaningful adventure, through deeper connection, presence, passion and love. Morgan is a mom, yogi, and lover of Italy.
Romance & Adventure Website:
Sophia Sessions: A safe haven for the journey of sexual wellbeing and feminine wholeness.
(The Beta Group is starting now! Last day to join is Tuesday Nov 1 to take advantage of discount and bonuses)
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