Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

New Podcast with Terri Ingraham, Founder of beLydia

Hi Friends! I’m posting the podcast a little early because it’s Thanksgiving week which is busy so I wanted to get it out to you in advance! I’m praying you all have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

I’m excited to introduce you to my friend, Terri Ingraham.  She is the founder of beLydia. Terri created beLydia as a modern day woman’s response to the Gospel.  She had a dream to create a movement to unleash the power of Christian women and it is literally exploding!

beLydia Gatherings have been and will be hosted at churches and other places to raise awareness and funds for organizations that care for women and girls who have been trafficked or those vulnerable to trafficking.  Listen in to hear where the funds go!  On the podcast, Terri shares the story of how God placed this calling on her life.  Her story gives, “Dream Big” a whole new meaning!

Right now, Terri is looking for 5 people that love social media and are interested in helping be the virtual campaign team for beLydia.  She needs people to help share posts on social media.  If this sounds fun to you, please email Terri at

Follow beLydia on Facebook at @belydiabefaithful

Instagram at @belydia.belydia

If you are in Austin, please plan to attend the next beLydia event which is December 1st.  The link to sign up is on the Facebook page.




Thank you for listening to the podcast! I would love it if you would share with friends on social media.  If you are listening on iTunes, please take a moment to rate, review and subscribe – I’m so grateful!

Please continue to pray for survivors and victims of sex trafficking and help support the organizations that are working to bring them hope and healing!