Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

And now we state the obvious…


I love books.

I’m grateful for books.  All of them.  Cook books, comic books, love stories, mysteries, self-help books, spiritual books, yoga books, little books, big books, poetry books, old crickety smelly books, shiny new hard cover hot off the presses books.

I love THE Book of course, the Holy Bible.  I LOVE IT because God speaks through it and lots of other reasons.  I love it because it’s not actually one book, it’s many books so it’s a library which I love because in libraries we can never be bored, or judged, or stuck.  We can soar in libraries and when we read the Bible too.  SOAR.

I love libraries because you walk in and just feel…”Ahhhhhhh….”.  The quietness and the smell and the BOOKS…it’s so good.   You can be TRANSPORTED all over the universe when you are just sitting in your chair.  LIVES CHANGE in libraries.  I’m grateful for libraries.

I imagine Heaven has lots of books…lots of libraries and cozy nooks filled with piles of books and comfy chairs and soft blankets and time.  Lots of time.  There’s no rush.  No hurry.  Just melt into that story and be well.

Let’s give a shout out to all the authors out there who bleed into the pages, who open their hearts and pour the contents out, who bravely enter the arena and fight, who can’t possibly know what their words will mean, what weight they will carry, whose lives they will change.  Yes, authors, we are grateful.

“That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong.” 
― F. Scott Fitzgerald

I could go on and on but I want to have time to read.

God, thank you for books and authors and libraries.

God, Thank you for your WORD which gives life.

I am so grateful.

©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™  All Rights Reserved