Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Okay…I’m going to explain the essential oil thing to you…in layman’s terms…



Christmas is coming so I’m thinking maybe you are looking for some gifts.  And maybe you have thought about essential oils.  Maybe you have been wanting to try them but have been utterly confused by all the information out there.  I know I was.  I thought about them for YEARS before buying some.  Then I bought some and THEY SAT FOR A LONG TIME before I did anything with them.  But now I have the time, energy and desire to DIVE IN!! And I want to help you!!

Let me explain.  There are several good essential oil companies.  You can read about them on line.  I decided to commit to doTerra.  You may want some detailed explanation about sourcing and purity and giving back.  I’m not going to give that to you because you can go to the website and read all about it.  I did and I like what I read and I’m on board.  But that’s not what you need me for.  You need me because the HOW TO can be confusing.  I’m your “how to” girl.

First, you do not have to sell oils if you want to use oils.

Here is my business page:

Click on the link and browse around.  It’s fun!

If you want to order something, there are three ways you can get your oils through me:

  1. Order retail on my site. Just shop and pay. Done. Fill up those stockings. Easy peasy.
  2. If you want to pay WHOLESALE instead of retail, you can pay $35 to “join” (like a Costco membership) and then you can order what you want, when you want, at wholesale prices.
  3. If you want to pay WHOLESALE  and you want to share with friends and have your own business page and be able to help people get their own oils, then you should sign up to be a WELLNESS ADVOCATE.   You will need to order one of the enrollment kits (the price includes the $35 for this year but you will need to pay the $35 for the following years –  you will get a free oil that equals that amount so it’s a wash).

That’s it. Easy.

If you sign up as a wellness advocate and you never share or sign anyone else up, IT’S OKAY. You don’t have to sell anything!!! But you might want to! You will love the oils and you will want to share them and talk about them and post beautiful pictures about them because they are amazing! Also, the enrollment kits are great ways to start with oils because you get a bunch of the basic ones and lots of info on how to use them.

Does this help?

You can contact me through the business site: or comment here or message me on Facebook at

I would love to talk to you about the oils and also help you get some Christmas presents!

I hope this helps break it down and I hope to talk to you more soon about essential oils! I will not pressure you to do anything or sell anything or swim around in a bath of frankincense. I will share with you what has worked for me and what I’m really excited about but I want to meet you where you are and help you get what you want.  If what you want is just one bottle of lemon oil then by all means, I will help you get it! The biggest thing I hope to do is provide you with some answers to your burning questions without you feeling like there is any pressure to “sign up” for anything. This will be like “Oils for dummies” except you’re not dumb.  So it will be “oils for the newbie” or maybe just “friends talking about oils and wellness”.  Yep. That’s it.  Yay! Can’t wait to share!