Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Overcome Resistance.

Are you saying YES to your dreams? Are you finally pursuing a passion project? Are you committed to a new way of life?

If so, you’ve probably met some resistance. We all come up against it. It can show up in a lot of different forms but mostly, in our thoughts and our habits!

On this podcast episode, I talk about resistance, how to recognize it and how to fight it. You are strong. You just have to remember your why. If you come up against resistance, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why have you committed to this dream, vision or outcome?
  2. Who are the people in it with you? (supporters, clients, encouragers, coaches, fellow dreamers, team members)
  3. Why do you love it?
  4. What is possible on the other side of your “YES”? (What will your commitment to sticking with it allow you to be, have, accomplish?)
  5. What will you miss out on if you give up on your dream?

Your answers to those questions will be much stronger than any resistance you face.

It’s funny, this episode was so difficult to tape. I had to go to the dentist and was numbed up for half the day. Then I sat down to record and I was on a roll, talking on and on, recording the whole thing and then realized it cut me off half way. I had to spend an hour deleting things off of my ancient computer to be able to finish the podcast! BUT I DID IT! It’s typical that the minute I put out to the universe that I am going to teach how to overcome resistance, the test comes!

The same will happen to you. Announce what you want, take ownership of your life, pursue your dream and the resistance will come. But you’ll get through it!

I’d love to hear your stories of overcoming resistance! I know you have many. And the more we do this, the stronger we get! And then…anything is possible!

Rooting for you!

Keep Saying YES!
