If you are in business, whether it’s new for you or you have a lot of experience, chances are you are thinking about or have thought about your “brand”. Maybe you are working on your personal brand? It sounds so weird to say that. I struggle with thinking that we need to “create” a personal brand. In my opinion, we just need to be our best selves.
I think Jenna Lester would agree. Her job as a personal brand photographer is to capture what we want to portray. The photos she takes should showcase the qualities we are trying to exemplify. She tells us all about it on this episode of the podcast. If you have considered hiring a professional photographer for your business, listen in for some tips and ideas from Jenna!
You can find Jenna on Instagram here. And on her website here.
And you can see her photos here on my website!
Some of the places you can use professional photographs in your business:
- Website – all over the website!
- Social Media- Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest
- Email Signature
- Profile picture
- Press releases
- Flyers
- Newsletters
- Sales pages, landing pages
- On your own podcast if you have one
- For podcasts you are a guest on or events where you are presenting
Have you had professional pictures taken? What questions do you have about the process?
In other news, we are having a book group over on the TEAM YES page on Facebook! Join HERE.
Here’s the book:

It’s so good! Join us! Let’s discuss!
I’ll leave you with this from the book:
“People who own their lives do not feel guilty when they make choices about where they are going. They take other people into consideration, but when they make choices for the wishes of others, they are choosing out of love, not guilt; to advance a good, not to avoid a bad.”
― Henry Cloud,