You guys!! I’m so grateful to Josh Phillips for sharing his story! Josh is married to Rachel Phillips who was on the last Great Big Yes podcast (#16) sharing her experience with anxiety. Josh tells us what it’s like to be married to a woman who suffers from anxiety, how it affects the relationship and how God has helped him learn and grow through their 16 years of marriage. Listen in! You don’t want to miss his side of the story!
Can we all just take a moment and thank the men in our lives who have loved us well?
He talks about what it’s like to not understand what your wife needs, to mess up and need to grow and learn. He is vulnerable and transparent about his experience. Share with the men in your life who may need this. If they love someone with anxiety, they are not alone and there is hope.
Josh is also an American Ninja Warrior! Woop! I shared a video on the last post and here are a couple more just for fun!