I am so honored to post this podcast! Listen in as Greg Hoyte shares his story with us. (Greg is next to his sister in the above picture.)
You will be fascinated by Greg’s story. He shares his journey from his childhood in Guyana, South America to Brooklyn, New York. He moved to New York when he was 14 years old after his parents worked in the US for years to earn enough money for the kids to join them. Initially excited and feeling like a dream came true, he found himself caught up in the violence of the Brooklyn streets as a teenager, filled with fear and rage and thinking there was no way out. But God showed up and provided a way. Looking back Greg can see that God never left him. This is a story of family, immigration, violence, fear, grace and hope. This is an American story.
As he talked, I just sat listening, fascinated. He “puts skin on” so many things we talk about today – immigration, violence, public education in American cities, gangs, family, friendship, God, faith, race, respect, discipline, the American dream, fear, hope.
Greg lives in Wisconsin now with his beautiful wife Amy and their three amazing kids.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. -Psalm 23:4