This was such a fun podcast to record! We are literally gathered around a table! The voices you hear are the founders of The Gathering Table, Melissa and Mark Aguillard and Jeff and Cheryl Moehling. They build beautiful tables that you will absolutely want for your home AND for every table ordered, they give a table to one of their local outreach partner organizations here in Austin. I was so excited to hear about their business and how they are giving back. Their tag line is, “Buy One. Unite Many” which I LOVE. It’s fun to get the inside scoop on how a new venture begins…to get the “why” and meet the people who say, “YES!” to putting their dreams in motion.
God gives us ideas and then we have to actually do the work. Amen? These couples have been friends for many years and “finally live in the same town”. They are excited to have the opportunity to live out this greater calling on their lives together. How great is that??? Listen in and see what they are all about! Then head over to their website and order a table!
Click here to check out their website: