In church this week, the reading was about John the Baptist. The priest was talking about prophets. He told us everyone is a prophet.
That’s right. Me and you. Prophets.
Do you believe it?
If not, change your mind today. Think of yourself as divinely inspired (you are) and filled with light (you are) and able to make a difference in the lives of people around you (you can).
He didn’t call on the most learned scholarly people to share the good news. He doesn’t call people because they look perfect or act perfect or know everything. That wild man in the desert pointed to the Great Light. Don’t you think He can use a suburban mom or dad or a high school student or a teenager who feels lost? Why wouldn’t He use a CEO or a teacher or a Doctor or a coach? Don’t you believe He can use you?
What do you hear Him saying to you?
How is your heart feeling tugged?
What do you know to be true about God and faith and Jesus and the Good News?
Share it.
Don’t believe the lie that you don’t have enough education. Don’t believe the lie that you don’t fit the mold of what a prophet looks like. There is no mold. Jesus took all of that and threw it out the window. He plucked people out of the margins and encouraged them to lead. He will use you if you let him.
Let him.
The world needs your voice. Your unique voice. Even if it shakes. Especially when it shakes.
You know in your heart if He is calling you. You know the answer has always been and will always be, “Yes, Lord, use me”. If you have yet to admit this out loud, do it today. Don’t hesitate any longer. Use your voice to lift up the Lord. Be like John the Baptist and prepare the way.
Show people the light.
©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™ All Rights Reserved, Image from Pinterest