Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Pressing Up Against Perceived Wisdom

If you’ve ever felt like you were the underdog, watch this.

If you’ve ever worried about your child who suffers from a learning disability, watch this.

If you’ve ever looked at people that are pressuring their kids in school (so much that their kids are completely exhausted and stressed) in hopes of getting them into Ivy league schools and thought, “WHY?”, watch this.

Maybe, like me, you want to scream from the rooftops…”There is not one pathway to success!!! Everyone has gifts!! Sometimes our perceived weakness becomes our strength!”, if so, watch this.

Malcolm Gladwell presses up against perceived wisdom and offers me a hopeful, “AHA” moment.  It was more like a “mmmmhmmmm” moment with me shaking my head in agreement murmuring, “See, that’s what I’m talking about!” A GREAT BIG YES moment for sure!

Take a break from the rat race and watch this.  And then show it to your kids. It’s a great reminder that we shouldn’t buy everything they are selling us.

(The whole thing is amazing but if you don’t have time to watch 12 minutes, the clip on learning disabilities is at 4:50 and the clip on colleges is at 8:50)

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What do you think?  Does this resonate with you? I’d love to hear from you!