Honor the tradition but expand the understanding. That’s what religions must do right now if they hope to be helpful to humans in the years ahead.
Neale Donald Walsch
Tomorrow’s God
My kids are growing up.
This means many things. Based on our dinner conversation tonight, one of the things it means is that they are beginning to question. They are questioning everything.
I see this as a good thing.
I remember my childhood priest told me (when I was in a questioning phase) that it’s okay to ask questions. It’s good. He made a point of telling us that he does not want us to “check our brains at the door”. That worked for me. He told me I was okay for asking. I was not only okay but on the right path.
I want my kids to know they are okay for asking and that through the questions, we find ourselves and we find God.
I found a video of a young man that is extremely intriguing to me. I don’t agree with everything he says but he has a heart for Jesus. It is called “Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus” If you have a minute, take a look at it, (click link below) it makes you think.
Why I Hate Religion but Love Jesus
I’ve also posted the Catholic response. It too makes you think.
I realize anyone with a camera can spout their beliefs on the internet. I am not holding either of these videos up as the “end all, be all”. I like the idea of the questioning. I can relate.
My daughter had some real questions about what she heard “Christians” think and stand for that didn’t sit well with her.
Do not let others define what “Being a Christian” means to you.
Seek Jesus.
This isn’t about a church, a building, a philosophy, creeds, laws or big words you can’t pronounce. This isn’t about politics. This isn’t about shame or guilt or judgment or debt or death.
This is about a relationship between you and Jesus. This is about Love. This is about Life.
Seek Jesus.
©2012 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved