We say this in yoga a lot. We need to “root down to rise up”.
It’s helpful instruction for yoga and life.
Physically, I think of it as planting my feet and forming a solid base before I raise up my arms or do anything with my upper body. For instance, in Warrior One pose, you want to make sure your feet are firmly planted, even the straight edge of the back foot, hips are pointing forward, legs are strong, you are balanced, and then you raise your arms up and open your heart.
We can only really open our heart if we feel safe, right? Physically, in yoga, we practice “heart openers” but we can’t just jump on our mat and offer up our heart. We need to be firmly rooted, secure, on solid footing, and then we can be vulnerable and open to receive, open to give away.
I love this concept with regards to Holy Yoga. We root down into God’s Word, into His truth. We learn and accept what He says about us. We receive our identity as His children. We are safe, beloved, secure and strong. From that stance, we can offer up ourselves fully to the calling He places on our lives. We can be vulnerable and open hearted with everyone we meet.
First, we establish whose we are and why we are here then we offer it up to the world.
We can’t rush this. We are not created to walk around all wobbly, unsteady, and unbalanced. Rootedness takes time. I’ve tried to hurry this process and it doesn’t work. Invest the time and learn who you are and whose you are. Let it marinate. God has great plans for you. He will rise you up in due time.
Identity, then calling.
Receive it, then give it away.
Root down, then rise up.
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. – Genesis 1:27