Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Shedding light on purpose, calling, dreams, goals

Do you believe you have purpose? Is there a calling on your life? Is a dream the same thing as a calling? What about goals? Are goals divinely inspired? Can your purpose change?

I was invited to speak on a podcast recently. It’s not out yet but I will let you know when it is. I was asked to talk about purpose and it led me to start researching and writing about purpose, calling, dreams and goals. And it was as if God had lit a FIRE under me!

I have a whole new enthusiasm for this topic. God has given me clarity and a desire to share and encourage others as they contemplate these things in their own lives. Here’s me right now!

Have you ever had that happen? Have you ever had God shed light on something that feels like such an “a-ha” moment, it has to have come from Him?

Here’s the thing. A few months ago, God asked me to step back from what I was doing and spend time with Him. I was off track. I knew it was the right thing to do so I closed my membership and slowed down my social media posting (Hallelujah!) and spent time with my family and with God. I was getting confused about what I was called to do. I was questioning my purpose. I was living something that felt off from that but I wasn’t sure how to get back on track. I started questioning if I was on the right track at all.

So I allowed myself time to NOT KNOW. I granted myself permission to BE UNCOMFORTABLE. I spent months NOT ACHIEVING ANYTHING. (Oh gasp!) I let myself entertain the idea that maybe I was done with this whole YES business. Maybe I would say no instead. I RELEASED THE NEED TO DO. I struggled with BEING STILL and GOING LOW.

But then I got bored. I got restless. I became unsettled.


It was time to begin again!

By the grace of God, opportunities arose and questions were asked of me and I had to decide. Who am I? What is my purpose? What is my calling? What are my dreams? I realized I needed a break and God called me to rest and I responded in obedience. And in my listening and resting I was renewed in my purpose! I just needed a break. I wasn’t on the wrong track, I just needed to hop off the train for minute. (More on this coming too – When do we just rest and when is it time to quit? What if we need to pivot? What do the seasons of our life and personal needs have to do with our calling?)

Here’s what I know now. There is a difference between doing things in my own strength and doing things under the influence of divine power and direction. There is a way of living born of force and a way of living in alignment to the flow. This has everything to do with purpose and calling and dreams and goals. It also has to do with gifting and lived experience and identity and personality. We will get into all of that.

But first, let’s get clear on a few things.

1.) God is in charge. If we want to be wise, we will listen to His voice. (The world will confuse you, use you and toss you in the trash heap exhausted, discouraged and hustled to death.)

2.) You were created with a plan and a purpose in mind. You are gifted, equipped and called to make a difference in the world. (This doesn’t have anything to do with “worldly success” although that may be a byproduct. Money, fame, popularity don’t have anything to do with purpose and calling. Jesus was mocked, persecuted and killed. Not that you are Jesus, but you get my point…)

3.) Your YES has to be to GOD FIRST. Purpose and calling are divinely inspired. Don’t try to figure out on your own without divine input and influence.

4.) You have to put in the work. Praying, reading, listening, connecting, TAKING ACTION. This is where the dreams and goals part comes in.

Stay tuned for more on all of this! We will work through Purpose, Calling, Dreams and Goals. What do they mean FOR YOU?

Are you ready to SAY YES?

“It is through Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for.”-Ephesians 1:11-12