Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Sleep is Job #1

Okay, we all know sleep is important. But do you really know how important? Did you know the way we learn to go to sleep or not to go to sleep, as a baby, can affect us later on in life?

My conversation with Davis Ehrler, the founder of The 3 Day Sleep Solution, is filled with a-ha moments! I was making connections and learning new things throughout. Do you know what circadian rhythm is? Do you know sleep is correlated to brain health? Do you know that sleep or lack of it can affect anxiety and addictions?

If you are parents of a baby, you know that sleep training is not easy. Maybe you hesitate to let your baby cry, maybe you prefer to soothe them with a pacifier or a bottle at bed time. Maybe your discomfort is causing you to make short term decisions that will have long term consequences. We touch on all of this in our conversation. Davis shares the “What to do’s” and the “Why”.

This episode has something for everyone. Even if you are not a parent or if your kids are all grown up, you will learn something about sleep that will help you.


To learn more, follow Davis on Instagram @the3daysleepsolution and @davisehrler

Keep Saying YES!