Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: 2 Corinthians

  • Limitations as Invitations

    In our Holy Yoga training the other day, we learned this: “Limitations in our lives equate to freedom”. We were talking about physical limitations relating to yoga but honestly, that statement just blew me away.  The Truth is that when we accept our limits and need to lean into God’s strength…

  • A New Thing

    Right? I think this is one of the most beautiful realizations we come to when we are saved by God’s grace. I don’t know about you but when God started showing me me, I realized I don’t have any time to worry about competing with other people.  I’ve got some…

  • Great Change is on the Way!

    IT’S FIXED! IT’S FIXED! IT’S FIXED!   Woo- hoo!  We are up and running again thanks to the FABULOUS AMAZING dear friend of mine, Patty Ptacek.  She is the first person I met when I moved here 15 years ago 🙂  and she is lovely and kind and a good friend…