Tag: accept
Humble Warrior
I love yoga. I’ve been practicing for a long time. I’m not even really sure how long…maybe 8 years? I’m being trained to teach and I’m finishing up my certification in April. So last night, I’m with my husband and another couple. They are dear, dear friends who have been…
Rocky Mountain Lessons in Life
The people in Colorado have it right. Here’s how I see it. They live in the most beautiful place. It’s like when God created Colorado, he was having a really, really good artistic moment. It’s perfect. The people there know that. It’s not like they take it for granted. They…
The Gift
My mom has always told me, “Faith is a gift”. I remember her saying this when I was young and then thinking, “Why do some people get the gift and other people don’t?” It didn’t seem fair. As I’ve gotten older I have begun to see what she means. Faith…