Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: acceptance

  • Alone in a crowded room?

      I read a review of a book in the Tribune today.  It’s written by a veteran of the Iraq war.  I read the interview with him and he talked about how it’s difficult when you get back from war and you feel like you don’t fit in, like nobody…

  • 20 Seconds of Courage

    Hello there!!!! I have missed you all so much!!! Okay, first and foremost, I am PSYCHED about something that happened while I’ve been “regrouping”.  One of my blog posts (Come to the Feast) was featured on BlogHer!  You will notice some new Bling on the Blog…over in the right hand…

  • Airbrush my heart

    One time someone asked me, “What color is your hair, really?” After my initial cringe, I answered truthfully, “I have no idea”. My real hair color is buried beneath years and layers of fake color. I went through periods of time where I really believed that you could never be…