Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: article

  • That’s in the Bible?

    There was an article  today on Huffington Post called “10 Things to Give Up in Exchange for Happiness”. I thought it was a pretty good list.  But then I started thinking, why do I agree with these 10 things?  I’d say a lot of them come from experience.  We live,…

  • Generation X,Y,Z…Baby Boomers, Millennials…Where do you fall?

    I’ve been wondering…where do I fit in? Here’s the breakdown: 1927-1945  Silent Generation or Traditionalists 1946-1964 Baby Boomers 1965-1983  Generation X or Busters 1984-2002 – Gen Y or the Millennials 2003-Current Gen Z or the Digital Generation I am in Generation X.  I also have three kids who are Millennials.…