Tag: beach
Just Be You
Just be you. That’s the advice my friend used to give me when I would go off on a tangent trying to fix myself and figure out my calling and when I wonder about why I was here and what I should do and what other people think of me.…
Today my yoga teacher said this…”Let what you love and what you do be the same thing”. In other words, Do what you love. I have to admit, I don’t always do what I love because I don’t love laundry and I do a lot of that. However, when I…
Nibblin’ on Sponge Cake…Watchin’ the Sun Bake
Okay, this is a test…what does FOMO mean? Have you heard of this? I read about it the other day. It’s a new “problem” or “issue” people are dealing with. It stands for “Fear of Missing Out”. I’m not joking. I blame Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and whatever…