Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: believe

  • Trying a new thing – Great Big YES video!

    Okay friends, bear with me…I just made a video.  I had something I wanted to “say” and I wasn’t sure I could write it down.  I wanted to just say it.  It has me thinking about the art of writing and the art of speaking and why sometimes speaking to…

  • Do not Drift Away

    We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. -Hebrews 2:1   Oh it’s so easy to drift. To look away for a moment and completely lose my way. To gaze longingly at something shiny.  To be tempted. To wander.…

  • I Have No Gifts to Bring

    What do you think they said when they saw the star pointing the way to Jesus? What do we say? We say, “Who me? I am not ready! I have nothing to wear/bring/show!” Jesus came as a newborn baby…the most vulnerable among us…small, humble. He is saying to us, “Come…