Tag: Bible study
Those of you who know me can look at this picture and you can feel how excited I am. Two songs come to mind right now. 1) Blank Space by Taylor Swift… “I’ve got a blank space baby…and I’ll write your name.” (This is pretty much always on my mind…
Be Encouraged!
Last week I wrote about how difficult it can be to write honestly when I worry about people’s reactions. I know that I shouldn’t care about that but I do. I want to be liked. It’s important to me (sometimes too important) that people are happy and not offended and…
Love and Marriage…Love and Marriage…
I figured I should write about marriage this week for two reasons. It’s my wedding anniversary this weekend. In Bible study this week, we talked about when God created man and woman and how they were meant to fit together like a puzzle. (Those are my words but it’s what…