• Smart Water

    I have been thinking a lot about health recently.  I’m sure it is related to my Holy Yoga training and my teaching.  Also, I’ve been on a cleanse. Physically, I feel great.  I have to say it has brought me more mental clarity and focus.  But sometimes with the mental clarity comes…well…clarity.  And sometimes when we wipe

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  • Rest

    It’s Tuesday and I want to unwrap my blessings for “Tuesday’s Unwrapped”. But first there is something weighing heavy on me. It’s not just something, there are lots of things.  It’s loss…loss of life and loss of innocence.  It’s the heavy weight of parenting and trusting and sending them out there.  It’s the burden of

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  • Word Up

    Last week I went to yoga class.  On the way there, I was driving and talking on the phone.  I was talking to a friend about a lot of things.  I was talking really fast and apparently really loud.  (This is not a surprise to some of you.)  It was a frantic conversation filled with

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  • Do you know Tebow?

    Tim Tebow. I have to say, I’m intrigued.  I guess you could say I’m jazzed.  I love football and as you know, I’m all about praying and throwing a Bible verse or two out there.  Add a cute guy with a cool story and a lot of wins and some controversy and I’m hooked.  I’m

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