Tag: bold
The Podcast is BACK!!!
https://soundcloud.com/suebidstrupgreatbigyes/kelly-johnson-being-brave Hi there! I had so much fun recording a podcast with my friend Kelly! I have missed these rich conversations about faith and about saying YES! to a greater calling on our lives – to dreaming BIG with God!!! I’m so excited to share this conversation on the…
Bold. Fearless Confidence.
The other day in Holy Yoga, the passage we meditated on was Acts 4: 31 “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” My Bible is the NIV and the Message so I like…
Bold Love
If you follow Great Big Yes on social media – Instagram, Twitter or Facebook – you know that I am participating in a Holy Yoga photo a day challenge. Each day of the month has a topic and each person posts a picture for that day with #hyphotoaday. It’s fun! So today’s topic is “Calling”. Being the good rule follower that I…