I’m thrilled to be having a conversation with Alan Graham on the podcast today about his ministry and his new book! He is an inspiration for sure- funny, down to earth, wise and inspiring. I’m so grateful for his “YES!” to sharing his heart with us! Listen in, you will love him! You can buy
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What’s next?
Okay. I have a whole bunch of exciting announcements. Woo-hoo! I have a new role with Holy Yoga. My title is “Instructor Training Enrollment Specialist”. There are three of us on this team and we are thrilled to be able to serve the Lord in this way. If someone goes to the website to
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What do your books say about you?
They say, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover.” But can you judge someone by what books they read? (More on that in a minute.) We found the house we want. I love everything about it. I just got a feeling, you know? I didn’t even open a drawer and I knew it was for
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Enthusiastic Yes!
Blinking Lights on the Dashboard
Yesterday was a bad day. Emotionally. Spiritually. I felt heavy and burdened but I knew I was doing the burdening to myself. My mind was creating pain. So on top of feeling like crap, I felt guilty for feeling that way so I just decided to watch the Housewives of New York City reunion and eat popcorn.
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Those Little Reminders
These little reminders are on my kitchen windowsill. You know how you look at some things all the time and then you become blind to them? I saw them with new eyes the other day. I was thinking…hmmm…Proverbs and Dr. Suess…how do they go together? But then I realized they do! I think God’s
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Day 16 of thanks!
I’m grateful for the day a while back when I went to meet Judy Blume with my mom and daughter. We were interviewed for a TV report while we were there which was pretty cool. Here’s the video. You don’t have to watch the whole thing but may want to if you are a
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And now we state the obvious…
I love books. I’m grateful for books. All of them. Cook books, comic books, love stories, mysteries, self-help books, spiritual books, yoga books, little books, big books, poetry books, old crickety smelly books, shiny new hard cover hot off the presses books. I love THE Book of course, the Holy Bible. I LOVE IT because
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My Dream House
I’m all over the map today. My daughter is home sick so I’m rearranging furniture and hanging things. By the end of the day, the dining room will be an office and the family room will be filled with lots of new things hanging on the walls. I have no rhyme or reason and I don’t
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Enthusiastic Yes!
What’s right with this picture?
Do you remember that game, “What is wrong with this picture?” I used to love to play that. You would decide what doesn’t belong in the picture and circle it. I still like to play the version of this in the back of People magazine where you point out what is different in each picture.