Tag: boundaries
Are you ready to break out of the box?
New podcast is up! I love Mary Oliver’s poems. I share one here. It’s about going headlong into life instead of always being cautious. How do we live freely? We all have this beautiful, wild soul within us longing to be free but we put so many limits on ourselves,…
How do you KNOW when to say, “NO”?
So many options. So little time. We are busy. Let’s take a look at how we spend our waking hours. What are all the things you keep busy doing? Write them out on a piece of paper. Look at it and ask yourself these questions. Are you overwhelmed? Do you…
No Boundaries
Writing is difficult. I struggle sometimes. I have a lot of things I want to “say” but sometimes I put boundaries around my work and it suffers. I decide I can’t “go there” or I “shouldn’t” write about certain topics. Even within certain topics, I tiptoe around and I…