Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: calling

  • Tacos and Tees! New podcast with Julie Carson! This is so much fun! I found Julie on Instagram! 🙂 She is the founder of @tacosandtees (on Instagram) and  Her stuff is so cute and you will want it all! Listen in to hear her story about making a long time dream a reality. We talk…

  • State of the Podcast   It’s like a state of the union address I guess. Who are we? Why are we here? How has it been going? What’s the plan for the future? It’s all here.  I’ve been listening and searching and discerning and I lay it out here for you. Listen in…

  • Podcast 23: Greg Hoyte-Immigration, Violence and Grace: An American Story I am so honored to post this podcast! Listen in as Greg Hoyte shares his story with us.  (Greg is next to his sister in the above picture.) You will be fascinated by Greg’s story. He shares his journey from his childhood in Guyana, South America to Brooklyn, New York.…