Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: change

  • 1% Change Leads to Transformation

    1% Change Leads to Transformation

    Hey there! How’s it going? It’s mid-January so this is when we get sick of our diet or work out plan because it isn’t working fast enough!!!! Where are the results???? Why can’t I lose all the weight in 2 weeks??? When we start to feel this way, we are…

  • Happy New Year! New Podcast with my friend, Chidimma, theTYPEAhippie

    Happy New Year!!! I am so excited for 2017! I hope you are too! I challenge you to think about your “YES”. What is it? My friend asks, “What gets you up in the morning?” and my answer to that is God and “Thank you God!” but what I want…

  • The Mirror Moment

    The Mirror Moment

    I don’t know anymore. I hear them say the country is going to hell in a hand basket. And I think but God… I listen to reports of protesting and fear and anger. People imagining a particular outcome is certain doom. And I think but God…. I hear of church…