Tag: christian coaching
Spiritual Identity…Who am I?
Sometimes we forget who we are. We get all tangled up in what we do or what people think of us. When we are really low and things aren’t going our way, we may even decide we are not worthy, that maybe good things aren’t meant for us. We can…
Taking Action – Let’s Workshop Calling
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.” ~Rumi So, if PURPOSE is the why and CALLING is the what, then WHAT DO YOU DO NOW? As a coach, I’m interested in helping you TAKE ACTION. But I don’t want to encourage you to…
Shedding light on purpose, calling, dreams, goals
Do you believe you have purpose? Is there a calling on your life? Is a dream the same thing as a calling? What about goals? Are goals divinely inspired? Can your purpose change? I was invited to speak on a podcast recently. It’s not out yet but I will let…