Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: christian coaching

  • We all come to the cross with some baggage. Bring it.

    We all come to the cross with some baggage. Bring it.

    When it comes to God, I think we try to show up on our best behavior. Maybe for God. Or maybe for other people. But here’s the thing. He already knows. He knows your fears, your doubts, your memories, your experiences. You don’t have to push them down or avoid…

  • It’s a good time for a reset.

    It’s a good time for a reset.

    I’m feeling nostalgic. Did you ever lay on a blanket under the stars and just look up, no agenda, no phone, no rush? Remember when reading a book didn’t seem like a monumental task? I love books! But now it’s difficult to concentrate for more than a few minutes at…

  • Gratitude is your YES

    Gratitude is your YES

    Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thinking about the people who feel desperate right now. The people who are trying to muster up the energy to say “thank you”. The people who are struggling. And I’m thinking mostly about our young people. How will they know how to have a bad day and…