• Why Journaling?

    Give yourself the gift of your own presence. Give yourself the gift of self reflection. Stop. Breathe. Let your mind wander and then put pen to paper. Feel the release. Experience the exhale. Laugh. Cry. Scream. Get angry. Grieve. Wonder. Be amazed. Recognize. Remember. Accept. Plan. Look ahead. Look behind and see God’s Hand in all of it. Believe.

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  • Freedom!

    Happy 4th of July! As Americans, we have freedom to dream, freedom of speech, freedom to practice our faith, freedom after freedom after freedom. And yet, some people claim it’s not enough. They insist on looking at what is wrong with America and they miss what is right with America. They live in fear and

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  • Dare to Dream

    “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson What does it mean to have a dream? What is a dream (not the one you have at night while sleeping)? I looked it up and it is defined as: a cherished aspiration, ambition, or

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  • Answer the call!

    If you have been following along, you know I’ve been talking about purpose. Purpose is the umbrella over why you do anything. Purpose is the WHY. Today we are going to talk about CALLING. CALLING is the WHAT. The Mirriam-Webster dictionary defines “CALLING” as: a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially

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