Tag: Christmas
How You Doin’?
(I’ll give you a minute to digest that and think of Joey and laugh. You did read it in his voice, right?) So I was playing around with Facebook and trying to figure it out. I have been on it awhile and I have a Great Big Yes page but…
What’s right with this picture?
Do you remember that game, “What is wrong with this picture?” I used to love to play that. You would decide what doesn’t belong in the picture and circle it. I still like to play the version of this in the back of People magazine where you point out what…
Wave your wand
Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. –Norman Vincent Peale That’s what I’m wishing for…a magic wand. First, I’ll wave it under the tree and presents will appear. Then, I’ll wave it over the presents I have already purchased and they…