Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: church

  • New podcast! Amia Freeman, Inneractivefit   I’m so excited for you to meet Amia Freeman! She is the founder of and @inneractivefit on Instagram. She is awesome!!  (That is a lot of exclamation points so you know I am really excited!!) Amia Freeman is a leading expert in group fitness, personal fitness and…

  • Podcast 23: Greg Hoyte-Immigration, Violence and Grace: An American Story I am so honored to post this podcast! Listen in as Greg Hoyte shares his story with us.  (Greg is next to his sister in the above picture.) You will be fascinated by Greg’s story. He shares his journey from his childhood in Guyana, South America to Brooklyn, New York.…

  • Podcast #19 Grace Miller – Military spouses,   I’m excited for you to meet Grace Miller! She is a military spouse and the creator of a new website, I loved talking to her about being a military spouse and digging deeper into what that looks like and what kinds of support they need.  The website…