Tag: commitments
How do you KNOW when to say, “NO”?
So many options. So little time. We are busy. Let’s take a look at how we spend our waking hours. What are all the things you keep busy doing? Write them out on a piece of paper. Look at it and ask yourself these questions. Are you overwhelmed? Do you…
I love vacation!
I love vacation. This is me when we are on vacation. This is me at when we get home. It’s not pretty. Can you hear me saying, “Seriously, stop it!” Furrowed brow…yikes! Vacation is great because it’s a break from real life. There is no to-do list, there is…
We read the book, Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen, for my book club. I loved it. I didn’t love all the characters and I didn’t always agree with their opinions or their choices but I found the book worth reading. It’s about a family – mostly a marriage. I loved that…