Tag: computer
Those of you who know me can look at this picture and you can feel how excited I am. Two songs come to mind right now. 1) Blank Space by Taylor Swift… “I’ve got a blank space baby…and I’ll write your name.” (This is pretty much always on my mind…
Okay…I hear you!
I think God may be trying to tell me something. I saw this today and I thought, “Yes…yes indeed, my kids are materialistic and I really hope they can think of God more…blah, blah, blah…” The verse actually reads (NIV): “Command those who are rich in this present world not…
Great Change is on the Way!
IT’S FIXED! IT’S FIXED! IT’S FIXED! Woo- hoo! We are up and running again thanks to the FABULOUS AMAZING dear friend of mine, Patty Ptacek. She is the first person I met when I moved here 15 years ago
and she is lovely and kind and a good friend…