Tag: Dad
HELP! Tell your stories! #unleashoptimism
Friends, great Big YES on Instagram and Facebook will be running stories of hope and optimism. Please share yours!! Tag with #unleashoptimism and @greatbigyes and I will repost on Great Big YES! I know there are MANY amazing stories. They don’t have to be long or perfect just real. Why…
Day 11: Thank you to our Veterans
That’s my dad on the right. He was a Marine in World War II. This must have been a picture of him on a break, hanging out with his friends. It’s good to see the smiles. I wish I could ask him about the picture and more about the…
“Good writing is always about things that are important to you, things that are scary to you, things that eat you up.” —John Edgar Wideman It’s Father’s Day. It’s a tough one for me. My dad died 13 years ago. I woke up and read my email from…