Tag: daughters
To My Daughter with Learning Differences
Update!!! So excited this was also shared on Huffington Post! Click link to check it out! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/to-my-daughter-with-learning-differences-whom-i-once_us_573a3382e4b06dede18b9937?hd45lep4nfyctyb9 This letter was written and submitted to The Mighty before I posted it here. It is also posted on www.themighty.com with a few minor edits. I’m so grateful to my daughter for letting me share her…
In the New Year, I Will Wear Jeans That Fit
I was trying on jeans the other day. I found a box with a bunch from years past and I tried them all on. Every brand was in there. And every size. All the styles…skinny, flared, boot cut, boyfriend, ripped, cropped, light, dark, stretchy, bedazzled. They represent all the different…
Clapping and Crying with all the other Moms
I always weep at endings. The end of the school year slays me every time. More than any other ending, it marks time for me. The slash on the calendar is dark blood red. This ending has been earned. Yet I don’t want it. The door closing feels heavy and…