Tag: disciples
I Am Woman Hear Me Preach
This article inspired me today. Check it out. http://sarahbessey.com/why-not-have-a-woman-preach/ In this article Sarah Bessey is asking the question, “Why not have a woman preach?” I remember when I was younger my mom read me a book. It was one of those golden books and it had a sweet girl on the…
Who? Me?
In church this week, the reading was about John the Baptist. The priest was talking about prophets. He told us everyone is a prophet. That’s right. Me and you. Prophets. Do you believe it? If not, change your mind today. Think of yourself as divinely inspired (you are) and filled…
Freedom, Sunshine and Open Hearts
This is how I feel today. That’s Jesus breaking out of the tomb. I love how he’s running. He’s free. We are free too. That’s the miracle of Easter. I hope you had a good Easter and I hope you feel God’s amazing power and grace. Today is a new…