Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: encouragement for moms

  • Today…I can fold his shirts.

    Today…I can fold his shirts.

    I’ve spent today washing, ironing and folding his shirts. Normally, this is a task I don’t love and frankly, don’t do very often. He has done his own laundry for a long time now.  But tomorrow, he goes to college. I want him to have clean shirts and I want…

  • Breaking Chains. Changing the Game.

    Breaking Chains. Changing the Game.

    This week’s podcast is all about saying YES to you. It’s time. May is Mental Health Awareness month. Never before has there been a more important time to talk about our thoughts, our beliefs, and how we will live our lives moving forward. I hope you will join me in…