Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: experience

  • Podcast with Rachel Phillips – she shares her story of living with anxiety Friends, this podcast is powerful! My friend Rachel Phillips is brave and beautiful and amazing! She shares her story on the podcast of the anxiety that has been gripping her since she was a young girl.  This is a story many of us can relate to and yet, sometimes…

  • I Am Woman Hear Me Preach

    This article inspired me today.  Check it out. In this article Sarah Bessey is asking the question, “Why not have a woman preach?” I remember when I was younger my mom read me a book.  It was one of those golden books and it had a sweet girl on the…

  • Mountain Climbing

    Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain, but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon. Ikkyu – Zen-monk poet, 1394-1481 Isn’t amazing how BIG our universe is?  Isn’t amazing how BIG God is?   As I get older, I realize He is so much bigger than my previous…