Tag: experience
“It’s been a humbling experience.” My friend said this when she was telling me about something she was going through. Isn’t it all a humbling experience? If you are paying attention and you are gaining in wisdom, life is humbling. I looked up the word and one dictionary said it…
“Watch me!”
We have been at the pool a lot lately. My son loves to go off the diving boards. He spends hours alternating between the low dive and the high dive. Each time he gets on the board, he looks over to me and gives me the thumbs up. When I…
The Word
I recently had the pleasure of hearing a woman talk about her experience visiting Medjugorje. (For general information on Medjugorje, you can visit http://www.medjugorje.org/) It was lovely and inspiring and a beautiful testament to faith. One of the words that she used is during her story is Invitation. She said she…