Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: faith

  • Time to RESET.

    Time to RESET.

    New podcast! When we are confused and things around us are chaotic. We must plug into our source to get re-energized! I met with some parents to pray for our schools and was LIT UP! It’s like I had forgotten who I was and I needed a RESET. You too?…

  • A Conversation and Devotional to help you through this pandemic!

    A Conversation and Devotional to help you through this pandemic!

    Hello Everyone!!! How are you? I pray you are healthy and feeling God’s grace and presence all around you, in your home, wherever you are practicing social distancing. I love that people are now advocating calling it physical distancing, not social distancing because we can still be social!! We need…

  • This is our Invitation to Move from Comfort to Contentment

    This is our Invitation to Move from Comfort to Contentment

    It’s challenging to move out of your comfort zone and grow. Sometimes we have to be forced to do so. I believe that’s what’s happening now with the Coronavirus. We are being told to stay home and practice “social distancing”. Our regular way of life is being interrupted. We have…