Tag: faith
The Podcast is BACK!!!
https://soundcloud.com/suebidstrupgreatbigyes/kelly-johnson-being-brave Hi there! I had so much fun recording a podcast with my friend Kelly! I have missed these rich conversations about faith and about saying YES! to a greater calling on our lives – to dreaming BIG with God!!! I’m so excited to share this conversation on the…
Advent is here!
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to pop in and let you know I am sharing a picture a day of things that bring me joy for the month of December. Check it out on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter! Join in by posting your own joyful things and hashtag #yestodecemberjoy…
Long time no write! I’ve missed you!
Hi Friends, It has been awhile! Here’s my question…do people read blogs anymore? I really want to know. Do you read blogs anymore or are they over? I have been hanging out on Instagram and Facebook so if you are not following me over there, click on links and “like”…