Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: fear

  • Do You Want to Get Well?

    Do You Want to Get Well?

    That’s the first question. Ask yourself, do I want to get well? It sounds silly, right? Of course everyone wants to be well. You would assume. And yet, we know people who are just really comfortable in their dis-ease or their dis-function or their victimhood. Maybe they don’t know another…

  • Podcast with Rachel Phillips – she shares her story of living with anxiety Friends, this podcast is powerful! My friend Rachel Phillips is brave and beautiful and amazing! She shares her story on the podcast of the anxiety that has been gripping her since she was a young girl.  This is a story many of us can relate to and yet, sometimes…

  • Nothing is Wasted

    Nothing is wasted, she said. I just looked at her like she was crazy since it seemed so disjointed, this life of mine. Classes and books and studying…for what? I think sometimes. The yoga and the workshops and the working out. The running and the striving and the working to…