Tag: For The Love
Front porch of the Hatmaker house! Maybe you watched them renovate it on “My Big Family Renovation” on HGTV. I know I did. I watched and laughed and cheered them on. Jen Hatmaker and her family are fun and real and hilarious and Jesus lovin’ Texas Rock stars…
What’s next?
Okay. I have a whole bunch of exciting announcements. Woo-hoo! I have a new role with Holy Yoga. My title is “Instructor Training Enrollment Specialist”. There are three of us on this team and we are thrilled to be able to serve the Lord in this way. If someone…
Oh my gosh…that’s hilarious.
You know what bugs me? When you are with people and you say something really funny and someone says with a very serious, pursed lips, church lady voice…”Oh my gosh…that is hilarious.” If it was hilarious, you wouldn’t say it was hilarious, you would just laugh. Actually, hilarity calls for…