Tag: gratitude
Gratitude is your YES
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thinking about the people who feel desperate right now. The people who are trying to muster up the energy to say “thank you”. The people who are struggling. And I’m thinking mostly about our young people. How will they know how to have a bad day and…
What do you believe about God’s provision?
Do you have an abundance mindset? Honestly, just typing that feels gross. It feels new agey and shallow and trendy. It feels like an Instagram post. Trite. But the concept is important to talk about. It guides your life. And if you are in business, it’s the make or break…
Gratitude comes from paying attention.
Happy Thanksgiving! New podcast is up for Thanksgiving week! Even though it’s a little strange this year, we can still be thankful. There is always so much to be thankful for! Listen in and be encouraged. My hope and prayer is that this year, you will notice things you’ve never…