Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: greatbigyes

  • Root Down to Rise Up

    Root Down to Rise Up

      We say this in yoga a lot. We need to “root down to rise up”. It’s helpful instruction for yoga and life. Physically, I think of it as planting my feet and forming a solid base before I raise up my arms or do anything with my upper body.…

  • Happy New Year!

    You don’t need another degree. You don’t need more money. You don’t need to lose five pounds or have the perfect outfit or clean your closet first. That thing that lights you up and excites you? That’s your to-do today. That dream you can’t shake? That desire of your heart?…

  • Long time no write! I’ve missed you!

    Hi Friends, It has been awhile! Here’s my question…do people read blogs anymore? I really want to know. Do you read blogs anymore or are they over? I have been hanging out on Instagram  and Facebook  so if you are not following me over there, click on links and “like”…