Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: grow

  • New podcast! 25 in the Rear View – Quarterly Review   Hi Friends! Can you believe this? I have recorded 25 episodes of the Great Big YES! podcast!! What??? I figured this monumental occasion required a review…a looking back.  So this one is just me talking, no guest, nothing fancy, just my heart and my gratitude. Also, some silly…

  • Podcast 17 – Josh Phillips, Anxiety and Marriage   You guys!! I’m so grateful to Josh Phillips for sharing his story! Josh is married to Rachel Phillips who was on the last Great Big Yes podcast (#16) sharing her experience with anxiety. Josh tells us what it’s like to be married to a woman who suffers from…

  • In the New Year, I Will Wear Jeans That Fit

    I was trying on jeans the other day.  I found a box with a bunch from years past and I tried them all on.  Every brand was in there.  And every size. All the styles…skinny, flared, boot cut, boyfriend, ripped, cropped, light, dark, stretchy, bedazzled. They represent all the different…