Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: heart

  • Freedom, Sunshine and Open Hearts

    This is how I feel today. That’s Jesus breaking out of the tomb. I love how he’s running. He’s free. We are free too. That’s the miracle of Easter.  I hope you had a good Easter and I hope you feel God’s amazing power and grace. Today is a new…

  • Airbrush my heart

    One time someone asked me, “What color is your hair, really?” After my initial cringe, I answered truthfully, “I have no idea”. My real hair color is buried beneath years and layers of fake color. I went through periods of time where I really believed that you could never be…

  • Lead with your heart

    I love the TV show, “Bethanny Ever After”.  Really…no joke, I love it, set the DVR for it each week, love her! I know you are thinking, “Wow, Sue watches a lot of reality tv.”  I do it for you.  It’s research.  I watch.  I report.  I try to make…