Tag: Holy Yoga
Trying a new thing – Great Big YES video!
Okay friends, bear with me…I just made a video. I had something I wanted to “say” and I wasn’t sure I could write it down. I wanted to just say it. It has me thinking about the art of writing and the art of speaking and why sometimes speaking to…
Do not Drift Away
We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. -Hebrews 2:1 Oh it’s so easy to drift. To look away for a moment and completely lose my way. To gaze longingly at something shiny. To be tempted. To wander.…
When did I stop playing?
I made a huge discovery the other day that I have to share with you. I am taking the training for Kids Holy Yoga. We have been talking about play and how important it is. One of our assignments was to play for 20 minutes. Oh my gosh this was…